Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2007, ISBN 978-606-731-025-2

The last book published by the Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei is signed by the British researcher Sebastian Brock. The work, with the title ‘The Syriac Fathers and Writers of Yesterday and Today’ was translated into Romanian by Archdeacon Ioniţă Apostolache and by Professor Hermina Maria Apostolache, bringing for the first time into the attention of readers in Romania ‘a brief synthesis of the Syriac literature’ of the great author from Oxford. The translation is quite faithful to the original shape. The first edition of the English text was published by professor Sebastian Brock at the ‘Saint Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute’ (SEERI), from India, Hottayam, in 1997: A Brief Outline of Syriac Literature. To be fair, the Romanian title is an adaption generated by the translators with the full consent of the author. The book has around 300 pages, supplemented with a rich introductory study signed by His Eminence Irineu, entitled ‘Syriac theology – a synthesis between dogma, symbol and mystery’.’ Fr. PhD Professor Adrian Boldişor.