Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2013, ISBN 978-973-1794-85-3
‘With the blessing of His Eminence Irineu, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, it was published by the Publishing House Metropolitan of Oltenia a value work of biblical exegesis, written by Father PhD Ion Sorin Bora. Defended as a doctoral thesis within the Doctoral School from Sibiu, under the guidance of Fr. Prof. PhD Vasile Mihoc, the book of father Bora brings in attention of the persons who love to study theology a novel subject from the biblical disciplines. In this way, the work ‘The Seventy Disciples (Luke 10, 1-24): History of Exegesis; Christian Traditions’ represents a rigorous theological analysis about a theme not so much discussed.’ Deacon Ioniţă Apostolache