Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2018, ISBN 978-973-1794-72-3
The volume contains the studies presented at second session of scientific communications of the Doctoral School of Theology „St. Nicodemus” from Craiova (29.11.2018). The book is divided into six major parts: Traditio et doctrina, Traditio moralis, Traditio monastica, Traditio et mission, Traditio liturgica and Traditio philosophica. In their papers, the PhD students in Theology tried to analyze the different aspects of the Church tradition in its doctrinal constants and in its historical evolution. Thus they are approached here the pneumatology of Athanasius of Alexandria, the doctrine about the bright darkness in the work of Gregory of Nyssa, the theotokology of Epiphanius of Salamina, the theological anthropology of Origenes and of Holy Fathers auch as Basilius of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianz, John Chrysostomus. At the same time here are treated the evolution of the theological tradition of the Holy Mountain Athos, the philosophical reception of the Chrurch tradition but also the adaptation of the mission of the Church at the specifics of the contemporary world.