Life and Service of Vespers, Matins and Akathist of Saint Pious Irodion of Lainici


Life and Service of Vespers, Matins and Akathist of Saint Pious Irodion of Lainici

The services of Vespers and Matins are meant to show us the path of perfection, the road to genuine theology and to communication with God, in the Holy Spirit. These services prepare the believer to welcome the light of God’s praise as the pastors were prepared upon the Nativity of Lord. In fact, these songs and prayers included into the arrangements of the Church are a continuation of the prophetic ministry of the Redeemer in Church. Obviously, their composition is a work of the Holy Spirit, which since the beginning of the Church and then along with flourishing of monasticism, it turned out to be the voice of God’s Scripture to His people. Thus, those who pray inside the Church in the evening, morning and at other times during the day, they place their soul in union and harmony with God’s will. Therefore, through the service of Saint Irodion, not only the monks eat and drink spiritually, but also the laymen, thus healing their spiritual and bodily diseases. (Prof. Univ. Dr. Irineu, Mitropolitul Olteniei)