Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei, Craiova, 2017, ISBN 978-606-731-014-6
In the work „Waiting for the One Who is and the One Who is coming the Almighty”, the fourth volume of Christology, His Eminence Prof. PhD Irineu Popa, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, presents the dogmatic truth about eschatology and Orthodox parousia, finding that „in the Son of God named the infinity of life and divine love His resurrection. By giving us this victory, the Savior has shown us that he who believes in Him is not alone, neither here nor in the age to come. Thus, when the soul of the faithful man is separated from the body, he will present himself hopefully before the Right Judge to give a good answer to the fearful judgment of the way he has worked with the grace of the Holy Spirit. It is true that at this judgment of the soul the demons will be presented who will bring before him the evil deeds, but also the angels will come presenting his good deeds. The first, known as the customs officers of the air, are the enemies of confusion and unrealistic and disorderly accusations. They are accepted in judgment not to judge man, but to judge the judgment fully. So, if evil spirits exaggerate man’s mistakes, trying to take his soul to hell, good angels ask for the mercy of the Savior Christ, highlighting his good deeds. Of course, „neither the angels nor the devils give, by this scrutiny of the facts, a verdict to the human soul, but only bring before consciousness the exact state of the soul, which only the Savior Christ judges”. The book with a special graphic outfit is accompanied by a bag that will be given as a gift when purchasing each copy. ISBN: 978-606-731-014-6.
Price: 200 RON