Ioniță Apostolache, Christology and Mystic in the Syrian Theology

Publishing House Mitropolia Olteniei, Ed. Cetatea de Scaun, Craiova/Târgovişte, 2014

The doctoral thesis “Christology and Mystic in the Syrian Theology” was elaborated under the coordination of IPS PhD Irineu Ion Popa, of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology from Craiova. All along this research we have attempted to bring together new elements of doctrinary order, defining for a less analysed theology in the Romanian background. The accomplished study gathered the discovery of the most important concepts and symbols of Christological nature, mystical and even Christological- mystical within the background of the Syrian Church. The these elements are approached in a general   manner as most of them can be found integrated organically in the eastern tradition. The theological and the poetical works of the Saint Fathers and Syrian writers fully contributed to this process of formation, which distinguished as separate identities from the Jewish and the Greek influences configurating the seal of this field. In order to offer a more complex background to our research, we made use of more historical- doctrinary delimitations, most of them being certified by specialists in the field. In this respect, we took into accont: 1. the primary period– up to the end of the year 400, 2. the period of the Christological controversies– the centuries V- VI, 3. the period of the great mystical– the centuries VII- VIII and 4. the following authors .