Editura Mitropolia Olteniei
About us
Editorial staff
Team of reviewers
Orthodox Agenda 2011
Orthodox Agenda 2014
„Assumption of Theotokos – Joy of heavenly and earthly living”
Celebration of Canonising Saint Irodion with a Bunch of Byzantine Scores
Image of the Feasts over the Year on Byzantine Notes
Pascal Greeting: Christ has risen!
Saint Hierarch Nifon Patriarch of Constantinople
The history of Church through Saints Constantine and Helen in a musically byzantine amphora
St. Hierarch Calinic – The Love and the dedication of Oltenia
The life, the paraclis and selected parts of Vespers and Matins of Saint Martyr Tatiana, the deaconess
The Life, the Akathist, the Chapel and Selective Parts of the Services of Matins and Vespers, with a Hymn Dedicated to Saint Niphon, Patriarch of Constantinople
The Life, the Akathist and the Chapel of the Holy Martyrs Sergius and Vah with specific parts of the Matins and Vespers Services, preceding the Holy Liturgy
Life and the Akathist of St. Herodion, the Star of Oltenia
Mystical experiences of Oriental Fathers – Audio book
Pages of history, culture and spirituality in the Bănia fortress. Saint NIFON
Prologues of the history of Christianity
Representative personalities of the Oltenian spirituality Saint IRODION IONESCU
YEAR 2005
Ierotei Vlahos, Metropolitan Bishop of Nafpaktos – Orthodox Monasticism as Prophetic, Apostolic and Martyr Life
Saint Gherman I, Archbishop of Constantinople – Interpretation of the Divine Liturgy
YEAR 2006
Fairy von Lilienfeld – The Spirituality of the Early Kievan Caves Monastery
Stilianou G. Papadopoulou, Writing of the Daco-Roman “Scythian Monks” in the 6th Century
Theology and Language
YEAR 2007
F. Bettex – The Miracle
Saint Basil the Great – Teaching to the Spiritual Son
Saint Gregory the Theologian – On Love for the Poor
Saint Jerome – On Priests’ and Monks’ Duties
YEAR 2016
Sebastian P. Brock, The Syriac Fathers and Writers of Yesterday and Today, translation from English by Archdeacon Ioniţă Apostolache and by Professor Hermina Maria Apostolache
YEAR 2018
Saint Peter of Argos. Homilies, Translation Pr. dr. Constantin I. Băjău, 2018
YEAR 2019
Translation by fr. PhD Lecturer Ionita Apostolache and prof. Hermina Maria Apostolache, after the English version of professor Sebastian P. Brock, The Bride of Light. Hymns form the Syriac Churches in the honour of the Mother of God
Scientific books
YEAR 2003
Hieromonk Grigorie Sandu – Evolution towards the Creator, Evoluția spre Creator
YEAR 2004
Picu Ocoleanu – Liturgy of Divine Commandments
YEAR 2007
Picu Ocoleanu and Radu Preda- Liturgical Life and Community Ethos
Priest Dumitru Radu, PhD – About Renewing and Deifying the Man into Christ
Professor Gheorghe Sandu, PhD – Science and Faith
Professor Priest Dumitru Radu, PhD – Moral References for the Contemporary Man
YEAR 2009
Constantin Apostol – Formalisation of the Byzantine Pictorial Style in Christian Iconography
Elena Zamfir – Social Theory and Action
Priest Ilie Moldovan, Professor PhD – Missionary Orthodoxy
YEAR 2010
Prof. Irineu Popa, PhD – Jesus Christ is the same Yesterday and Today and for All Eternity
70 Years since the Reestablishment of the Metropolitan Seat of Oltenia
Honouring of Theotokos reflected in the Chants of the Romanian Orthodox Church
YEAR 2011
Prof. Adrian Boldişor – Christian Valences in the Doctrine of Mircea Eliade
YEAR 2012
† PhD Irineu Popa, Metropolitan of Oltenia, Mystical Experiences of the Oriental Parents
YEAR 2013
His Eminence Prof. PhD Irineu Popa, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, The Economy of Fulfilling the Times in Jesus Christ
Fr. PhD Ion Rizea, The Saints Emperors Constantine and Helena, Protectors of the Holy Settlements in Oltenia
Fr. PhD Student Iulian Nedelcu (coordinator), Mehedinţi, History, Culture and Spirituality, No. 6
Fr. PhD Ion Sorin Bora, The Seventy Disciples (Luke 10, 1-24): History of Exegesis; Christian Traditions
PhD Toma Rădulescu, The Church Mântuleasa
YEAR 2014
† PhD Irineu Popa, Metropolitan of Oltenia, That all may be reunited in Christ, those in heaven and those on earth
Ion Reşceanu, The Family in the Old Testament
Nicolae Răzvan Stan, The Anthropology from a Christological Perspective. The Doctrinal Foundations of the Spiritual Life, second edition
Stelian Gomboş, The Holy Eucharist – The Mystery of the Immortality. Her Role for the Spiritual Growth of Believers
Nicolae Răzvan Stan, Perfection of the Human Being in Christ. The Ascetical and Mystical Aspects of the Spiritual Life
Nicolae Răzvan Stan, The Love of the Holy Trinity and The Love of the Human Person
Ioniță Apostolache, Christology and Mystic in the Syrian Theology
His Eminence Nicodim, Bishop of Severin and Strehaia, Pastoral Letters for Lord’ Nativity and Resurrection, volume I
His Eminence Emilian Lovişteanul, the Vicar Bishop of the Archdiocese of Râmnic, Ecclesiastical History and Theology. From the Holy Mysteries to the Sanctification of the Human
YEAR 2015
Adrian Boldişor, History of Religions. The Ancient Religions
CONSTANTIN BAJĂU, I peri teleiotitos didaskalia toy agioy Grigorioy Nyssis
Cristian Emanuel Cercel, The iconostasis and the Eucharist. The role of the iconostasis in the Orthodox Church
EMILIAN LOVIŞTEANUL, Vicar Bishop, Carrying out the Church Mission in the Parish and Monastery
Father Adrian Ivan, Sermons and Homiletic Guidelines
Fr. Adrian Cristian Maziliţa, The Religious Musical Culture in Mehedinţi in the Nineteenth-Twentieth Century, 2015
Fr. Adrian Ivan (coordinator), The Orthodox Creed into 12 Catecheses
Fr. Adrian Ivan, Logos Parainetikos. Parenetical Principles Within Homilies to Matthew and In Other Writings of Saint John Chrysostom
Fr. PhD Lecturer Bîrnea Ion, The ecclesiastical Music from Oltenia in 19-th and 20-th Centuries
Fr. PhD Lecturer Nicolae Răzvan Stan and PhD Lucian Dindirică (coordinators), Father Professor Dumitru Stăniloae or the Consonance Between Dogma, Spirituality and Liturgy
Fr. PhD Professor Adrian Boldişor, The Importance and the Actuality of the Interreligious Dialogue for the Contemporary World: History, Perspectives, Solutions
Ion Popescu, The Divine Revelation as Possibility and the Divine Revelation as Reality and Historicity. Dogmatic Commentary
YEAR 2016
Deacon Ionel Ungureanu, The Theological Understanding of the Economic Realities
Fr. PhD Professor Nicolae Răzvan Stan (editor), Dignity and Freedom of the Human Person: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Fr. Senior Lecturer PhD Nicolae Răzvan Stan (coordinator) – The mission of the Orthodox Church in the current context
Mihai Ciurea, The New Testament Greek Language. Koine Dialektos
Nicolae Răzvan Stan, The Anthropology from a Christological Perspective. The Doctrinal Foundations of the Spiritual Life, third edition, 2016
The Holy Fathers – Theologians of the Church
Theological Byzantine Personalities (8th – 15th centuries)
Vali Ilie and Florentina Mogonea (coordinators), Education and Spirituality, 3rd edition
YEAR 2017
His Eminence Prof. PhD Irineu Popa, Archbishop of Craiova and Metropolitan of Oltenia, Waiting for the One Who is and the One Who is coming the Almighty
Fr. PhD Ioniță Apostolache, The Orthodox Apologetics – Witness and Apostolate
Nicolae Răzvan Stan, The Duty to Stay Alive. Themes of Orthodox Spirituality and Theology, second edition
Fr. PhD SERGIU-GRIGORE POPESCU, The Contribution of Oltenian Monasticism to the Formation of a Romanian Cultural, Social and National identity
EMILIAN LOVIŞTEANUL, Vicar-Bishop, Between the Cross and the Resurrection: Pages from the Recent History of Romanian Monasticism
Alexandrina Bădescu, Traditional Artistic Techniques for New Icons Made in Tempera on Wooden Support
YEAR 2018
Alexandrina Bădescu, Collection of Icons Painted on Wood from the 17th–20th Centuries of Jitianu Monastery (Dolj County)
Mihai CIUREA, The Catholic Epistle of Saint Jude. Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Theology
Fr. PhD Lecturer ION-SORIN BORA, Saint Hierarch Antim Ivireanul – Founder of Romanian Culture and Spirituality
Pr. lect. univ. dr. ION RESCEANU (coordonator), Iconographic Art in Contemporaneity
Pr. lect. univ. dr. ION RESCEANU (coordonator), Martyrs and Martyrdom of True Faith during 1948-1989
YEAR 2019
PhD Miriam Link – Christological Dogma in the universe of the iconic and iconographic compositional triad of the Royal Feasts – especially in Metropolitan of Oltenia
Pr. Petre Mădălin Ștefan, Orthodox eschatology. The relationship between the eschatology inaugurated at Pentecost, the inchoate eschatology and the final or accomplished eschatology of the City that will be
Fr. PhD Adrian Boldișor – Orthodoxy yesterday, today, tomorrow. Inter-Christian and interreligious themes for the 21st century
Adrian Lupu, Studies on Byzantine literature. 13th century, Nikolaos Mesarites
Ionita Apostolache, The Luminous Darkens
Ionut Patularu, The Normal School in Craiova… a landmark of the Romanian education
Deacon PhD Student ALEXANDRU VANCIU, Petrache Lupu and the Miracle of Maglavit
YEAR 2020
Assist. PhD Victor Șapcă, The Sunday Axion in the Romanian Psaltic Literature from the 19th-20th Centuries
Fr. PhD Senior Lecturer Nicolae Răzvan Stan (editor), The light and its meanings in Orthodox theology and spirituality, Craiova, 2020
Fr. PhD GABRIEL SORESCU, Orthodox Church and Religious Movements, 2020
Fr. PhD CĂTĂLIN-CONSTANTIN DAN, The Orthodox Confessions of Faith in the Seventeenth Century and Their Importance for Modern Ecumenical Dialogue
Fr. PhD Sergiu-Grigore Popescu, Brief History of Christianity in Oltenia
Marian Emanoil Păun, The family of the Holy Emperor Constantine the Great and the relationship with Christianity in the light of modern sources and historiography
MIHAI CIUREA, The Second Universal Epistle of Saint Peter: Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Theology
Fr. PhD Mircea Lucian Nincu, Religious phenomenology from a missionary perspective
Fr. PhD Mladin Constantin, Byzantine theological personalities from the Xth-XIth Centuries
YEAR 2021
Fr. PhD Constantin I. Băjău, Patristic Studies. From the teaching of the Holy Fathers, vol. I, II, III
Fr. Prof. PhD Gheorghe Istodor, Highlights of Ancient Philosophical Thought
Rev. Father Alexandru Cotoraci Ph. D., The preoccupations of the holy fathers from the I-st – IV-th centuries for the rising of the human being and the recognition of human dignity
Fr. PhD Ion-Narcis Munteanu, Diaspora. Models and perspectives
YEAR 2022
Fr. PhD Iliescu Florin Mihai, Problems concerning immigration from missionary perspective
Fr. PhD Marian Grozoiu, Conceptualization and inculturation in the actual orthodox theology
Gheorghe Istodor, Aspects of medieval philosophical thought
Gheorghe Istodor, Theology and science
Ileana-Mihaela Boldișor, The television show – constructing a folkloric tradition (folklore recovery and revaluation)
Mihai CIUREA, Commentary on the Catholic Epistles of Saint John
Fr. PhD Minel Vodoiu, The Bases for Interreligious Dialogue
Fr. Dr. Romulus Lucian Dodenciu, The Relationship between “Contextual Theology” and Missiology. An Orthodox Perspective
YEAR 2023
Ana-Maria Iancu (Rădulescu), Romanian Orthodox Church – State Relations. A Case Study: the Metropolis of Oltenia (1939-1964)
University books
YEAR 2006
Archimandrite Prof. Vasile Prescure – In the Spirit of Faith and Orthodox Piety
Professor Priest Dumitru Belu, PhD – On Love
YEAR 2007
Priest Sebastian Chilea, PhD – Ethics and Aesthetics
Professor Priest Petre Vintilescu, PhD – The Priest before His Call as Shepherd of Souls
YEAR 2008
Hieromonk Grigorie Sandu – My Aid from God
Priest Nicolae Jinga – Dictionary of God
YEAR 2018
Pr. Conf. Dr. Picu OCOLEANU; Pr. Conf. Dr. Constantin BAJAU (eds.): Spiritual Life and Theological Research. The Papers of the Scientific Symposium of the Doctoral School of Theology „St. Nicodemus” from Craiova
YEAR 2019
Pr. Conf. Dr. Picu OCOLEANU; Pr. Conf. Dr. Constantin BAJAU (coord.): Unity and Diversity in the Church Tradition. The Papers of the Scientific Symposium of the Doctoral School of Theology „St. Nicodemus” from Craiova (29.11.2018)
YEAR 2020
Scientific volumes
Holy Scripture for all
Fr. Constantin Pogor, The Gospel of the Eucharist. Short Commentary on the Gospel of John
National Student Symposium
YEAR 2009
National Student Symposium No. II – The Exegesis and Biblical Hermeneutics in the Works of the Holy Cappadocian Fathers
YEAR 2011
National Student Symposium No. III – Biblical Foundations of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed, Historical-Dogmatic References
YEAR 2012
PhD Professor Mihai Valentin Vladimirescu, Student Radu Cosmin Săvulescu, PhD Lecturer Mihai Iulian Constantinescu, The Holy Mysteries of the Baptism and of the Marriage in the Holy Scripture, National Student Symposium, No. IV
YEAR 2014
Opus Discipulorum, The National Student Symposium, the 5th and 6th editions, Tismana, 2013-2015
YEAR 2015
Opus Discipulorum, The National Student Symposium, the 7th edition, Tismana
Studia Theologica
YEAR 2008
Studia Theologica – Theology and Spirituality in the Doctrine of Saint Maximus the Confessor
YEAR 2010
Theology and Hesychast Life in the Work of Saint Gregory Palamas
YEAR 2012
Studia Theologica 3 – Theology and Philosophy in the Work of St. Dionysius the
Pastoral care and mission
YEAR 2017
Pastoral care and mission. Missionary-pastoral methods of defense and confession of the true faith in the modern era, volume coordinated by Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan, „Mission and Pastoral Care” Collection, vol. 2
YEAR 2018
Living and confessing the true faith in the unity of the Spirit and love, volume coordinated by Pr. Conf. univ. dr. Nicolae Răzvan Stan, „Mission and pastorate” Collection, vol. 3
YEAR 2019
Exegetical homilies on Sundays over the year, coordinator Fr. Senior Lecturer PhD Adrian Ivan
Scientific journals
“Mitropolia Olteniei” magazine
Lives of saints and Akathistes
“PROLOGUES” Lives of Saints and Words of Teaching
Life and Akathist of Great Martyr St. Panteleimon
Life and Akathist of Saint Martyr John of Walachia
Life and Akathist of Saint Stylianos
The life and the akathist of the St. Great Martyr Pantelimon
Worship books
Canonisation of Saint Pious Irodion, the Abbot of Lainici Monastery
Epitaphios of the Theotokos
Life and Service of Vespers, Matins and Akathist of Saint Pious Irodion of Lainici
The Epitaph of the Lord and of our Redeemer Jesus Christ
Pastoral letters
Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Nativity of our Lord, 2009
Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Nativity of our Lord, 2010
Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Resurrection of our Lord, 2011
Pastoral Letter on the Occasion of the Nativity of our Lord, 2011
Pastoral Letter on the Resurrection of our Lord – 2013
Pastoral letter at the Nativity of Jesus Christ – 2013
Interview books
YEAR 2011
Ana Ocoleanu, In the light of the word
Deac, Ioniță Apostolache, People and places in the history of the Church of Oltenia
YEAR 2019
Theological dialogues on calendar pages: interviews given by His Eminence Metropolitan Father Irineu to Prof. V. Gogonea interlocutor (reporter)
Broadcasting system
Accreditation CNCS
Peer review
Libraries indexing books
National Library of Romania
Library of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church
Google Books
“Alexandru and Aristia Aman” Library – Craiova
University of Craiova Library
National Library of the Republic of Moldova
Library of the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova
Library of the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu
The Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Cambridge, Marea Britanie
Pontifico Instituto Per Gli Studi Orientali, Roma, Italia
Instituto Teologico Pugliese „Regina Apuliae” Molfetta, Bari, Italia
Instituto di Teologia Ecumenico-Patristica „S. Nicola”, Bari, Italia
Instituto Teologico „S Fara” – Bari, Italia
Biblioteca S. Francesco della Vigna dell’Insituto Studi Ecumenici, Venezia, Italia
Library of St. Sergius Orthodox Theological Institute Paris – Franta
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria
Library of the Romanian Academy
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Editura Mitropolia Olteniei
Libraries indexing books
Instituto di Teologia Ecumenico-Patristica „S. Nicola”, Bari, Italia
Instituto di Teologia Ecumenico-Patristica „S. Nicola”, Bari, Italia
Instituto di Teologia Ecumenico-Patristica „S. Nicola”, Bari, Italia
Scientific books
University books
Scientific volumes
Scientific journals
Lives of saints and Akathistes
Worship books
Pastoral letters
Interview books
Book launch
Interview books
Participations in book fairs
Scientific books
Accreditation CNCS
Last events
09.07.2020 – Religious cultural event in the Archdiocese of Craiova: Book launch
2019 – Theological dialogues on calendar pages: interviews given by His Eminence Metropolitan Father Irineu to Prof. V. Gogonea interlocutor (reporter)
2019 – PhD Miriam Link – Christological Dogma in the universe of the iconic and iconographic compositional triad of the Royal Feasts – especially in Metropolitan of Oltenia
06.03.2017 – Gaudeamus Book Fair from Craiova – 16th edition
02.03.2017 – A new theology book published by the Publishing House „Mitropolia Olteniei”: The Orthodox Apologetics – Witness and Apostolate, 2017
Events archive
July 2020
December 2019
March 2019
March 2017
February 2017
May 2012
January 2012
November 2011
August 2011
February 2025
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