Fr. PhD Iliescu Florin Mihai, Problems concerning immigration from missionary perspective

Publishing House Metropolitan of Oltenia, Craiova, 2022

Immigration created in the public space, in time, religious problems to which solutions have to be found. To this extent, the Holly Church has sufficient resources and experience in offering religious support to immigrants. As the ecclesiastical institution serves human being, it is interested in problems detected in contemporary society.

As a result of the elaborated research, from the point of view of the structure, the doctoral thesis is structured in four chapters. Each chapter has in turn subchapters.

The missionary actions of the Church should be expressed also in the Orthodox diaspora so that orthodox immigrants might cultivate and maintain the national –Christian perception. In diaspora, the mission is based on identification of these Orthodox communities which might be mobilized in the proximity of the Church to form powerful parochial communities.

A missionary action is informing Christians about the dangers expecting the immigrants at destination. In this sense, would make them a distinction between the differences existing at the level of illegal and legal immigration. To them will be presented the possibilities of the countries where they might reach and which religion or confession is in that country. The Church will involve persons and institutions of the state as embassies and consulates, in informing immigrants regarding possible dangers that might appear through brochures. The novelty is presenting problems faced by the immigrants but which way these might be compensated, solved and values through Christian mission.