Gheorghe Istodor, Aspects of medieval philosophical thought

Publishing House Metropolitan of Oltenia, Craiova, 2022                

Medieval philosophy is brought to light in a masterful way by the Church Fathers, being decisive both for the development of philosophical thought in general and for the relationship between philosophy and theology. Medieval philosophical thinking has the role of emphasizing the valences of the theology of the Middle Ages, the relation of the Fathers to the philosophical dimension, being marked by assimilation full of discernment and characterized by a deep integrative process, dimensions necessary to establish an objective knowledge about God, man and world.

The fact that medieval philosophy developed within the Church, as “ancilae theologiae”, had two detrimental consequences: 1) the whole period was demonized, being unjustly considered “dark” and 2) the presentation of this philosophy in modernity and postmodernity, it deals with the evasion of the Church Fathers and the hyperbolization of non-Christian philosophers (Maimonides, Averroes) or heterodox philosophers (Thomas D Aquino).

This book is a modest attempt to value the contribution of the Church Fathers, who bowed in their theologizing to the philosophical dimension; it is especially about Blessed Augustine in the western space and especially about Saint Dionysius the Areopagite, Saint Maximus the Confessor and Saint John Damascene in the eastern space.

All of them left us an impressive and valuable intellectual and spiritual dowry, both theological and Christian philosophical.